Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Look at Katelyn's Ants Go!!

Benjamin's Ant Farm Day 2

October and Ant Farms

Our October meeting was so fun. We went to ant school! Did you learn alot about ants?

Tell me what you learned or are learning, ok?

Here are pictures of Katelyn's Ants Making Tunnels and Benjamin's Ant Farm.

Katelyn's Ant Farm is sand.

Benjamin's Ant Farm is the one with blue gel.

What are your ants doing in their ant farm?

Katelyn's Terrarium

We were so glad when Katelyn and other new families joined the fun for fall semester!

Katelyn loves animals. She loved learning about the 6 biomes of the world, and is working on a book of the biomes...filled with animals, of course!!!

Benjamin's Terrariums

In our September Science Club, we had so much fun with making our terrariums, or our ecosystems in a jar! We learned that these terrariums can sustain themselves when closed because of the water cycle. We just can't put them in too much sun, or let them get too soggy.
Benjamin had so much fun, he made two different kinds of terrariums. Aren't they awesome?

How are your terrariums doing?